seems like you wanna enter into Animation World and i guess you are thinking it's better to know after effects before Getting in to it.
Congratulations 🎊 You are on the Right Track.
There is No Simple Answer so i Devided This Topic into some Parts so you Can Understand Where to Start your Journey.
Big Jouneys Begin With Small Steps
Where I Can Learn Adobe After Effects
What we Can Do With Adobe After Effects
It's time to Decide what you really want to be.

Big Journeys Begin With Small Steps
There are lots of reasons to learn After Effects but the important thing is that you have to know the reason why you want to learn and where you can use it. The answer of this question tells you what you become in your future.
ex. if you want to Become A Character Animator so you should Learn The Courses or Tuttorial Which is Based on Character Animation Concepts.
As a beginner you have to learn After effects basics. Like How the software is Works And What is Basic fundamentals are.
for Beginners The Basic Courses are The Same, Courses Explain you Each Elements of After Effects like keyframes, composition, timeline , Effects etc. & How They Works.
Courses Can be Different For Each Category Which we Talk Later.
So start slowly and steady without comparing yourself to anyone, just focus on what you are doing and try to satisfy yourself.
Let's understand What Is Adobe After Effects
Adobe After Effects is a Layer Based Program which Works on Key frames And Expressions it's Visual Effects , Motion Graphic Making Software Which can Help you To Ceate Wonderfull Animations into it.
Keep it Mind it's Not a Editing Software Like Premier Pro.
After Effects is a Adobe's One of The best Product/ Software.
How to Get it ? is it free or Paid ?
Adobe is a subscription Based Product you can bill montly or annually
Here is you can see there Pricing Plans Click Here
Where I Can Learn Adobe After Effects ?

There Are so Many Courses Available At Online
Some Are Free Some Are Paid so what is the best option ? well Both is Almost The same when we are talking about Basic Software Knowledge.
Free Sources To Learn After Effects :
YouTube is One of The Best Free Learning Source at online. There Are Lots of Artits Designers Who Share There Knowledge at YouTube & Many Creators Like ME Making Free Courses For Beginners.
Artists / Designers / Animator's Websites:
if you go to There websites you'll get So many Free Courses Including Paid Courses.
And Every Designer Like Me Prefer To Provide Atleast One Free Course so People Can Get to know About you and There Expertise.
Paid Sources To Learn After Effects :
What You Can Do With Adobe After Effects ?

Logo Animation
2D character Animations
Visual Effects
Explainer Videos
website Animations ( Lottie Animation )
Advertisement Video
Lot More Things.
Each Category is different from each other and there purposes.
After Learning Basics Of After Effects Like How the Program Works Then you Can Start Learning These Categories one by one.
Don't Be Lazy at This Stage you have to gain the Basic knowledge of each category which we talked before.
It will improve your Knowledge & skills.
It's time to Decide what you really want to be.
you should Learn Basics Knowledge of each category which we talked before after That you can choose one or Two Category And Become a Master Of it.
Like no one can animate just like you.
Remember No one Become a successful person in One day.
You have to practice with dedication also you have to take so much patience.
its very helpful . Thanks a lot.